Sign In alfresco pop-up
Hello everyone,
could anyone please help us, we are having some problems regarding the Sign In pop up with alfresco, we are using the API for the odoo and GoFast integration, but all API calls get blocked because of this pop-up.
can anyone help us by explaining how to disable it.thank you.
Jawad Benaissa
TEOS tanger -
This " blocking " is a security measure of the GoFAST application to allow only authenticated users.
If you get this pop-up, it means that there is a problem with your authentication between Odoo and Alfresco. Unfortunately, as i don't know Odoo, i can't give you any clue about this
Hope other users might be able to help!
Best regards.
@jawadbenaissa are you talking about a GoFAST API or Odoo API ? we need the end of the URL if a GoFAST URL, Thank you
hello @cpotter,
thank you for your response, in this case i am talking about alfresco API, one of the examples could be:
/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/thank you.
Hello there,
Indeed you need to pass a ticket session for the request to be authorized.
You have to append the query string &alf_ticket={{TICKET}} to the request endpoint.
The simpler to generate a session ticket for a user would be to call the alfresco login endpoint :
curl 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/api/login?u=USERNAME&pw=PASSWORD'
and it should return you the ticket.