Thank you for your feedback.
As far as the size limits for the various document types are concerned, these do not change depending on the version of GoFAST. Here are the maximum sizes configured on OnlyOffice for the different file types:
.docx|.dotx|.docm|.dotm: 50MB
.xlsx|.xltx|.xlsm|.xltm: 300MB
.pptx|.ppsx|.potx|.pptm|.ppsm|.potm: 50MB
Note that when a file is imported into GoFAST, it also contains several metadata files in the “.xml” fomat, which are added with the document at the time of import/creation.
As a result, the file size displayed in the GoFAST web interface corresponds solely to the size of the “docx|pptx|xlsx” file, and not to the overall size of the file and its metadata.
As a result, the size limits configured on the OnlyOffice service actually correspond to the overall size of the file and its metadata. Unfortunately, I can't tell you the exact correspondence between the size of a file on GoFAST and its actual size, as this depends on the type of metadata relative to each document.
There is a way of visualizing the overall size used by a file and its metadata. To do this, you download a “.docx|.pptx|.xlsx” file from GoFAST (for example, an 11kb file on gofast).
Then, from your PC's “Downloads” folder, rename the file to change its extension to “.zip”.
Once you've changed the extension, unzip the “.zip” file. On the unzipped folder, go to “Properties”. The global size of the file and its metadata appears. You can see that the file size is larger than indicated on GoFAST (369 Kb instead of 11 Kb):
Best regards,
Damien VANZO